Friday, January 22, 2010

Good evening, Friday evening, a little before 8PM. I’m in the upstairs bedroom cranking the humidifier and wondering if I should have inhaled so much coffee in the late afternoon. Sometimes Friday evening hits and I have no idea what to do with the sudden available hours. I’m caught up in facebook Scrabble, answered most of my email, and the kids are watching television. Ooh, I just yawned. Good sign.

So this week was insomnia-ridden again, and I’m grinding my teeth. Why? I have no idea. But both Wednesday and Thursday mornings I was up by 1:00AM. Thursday was the fucking worst. After deciding I was awake for the day I considered going straight into work but at the last minute I hit the YMCA for the usual hour of cardio instead. This was smart, I think, as I was then calm and exhausted rather than jittery and exhausted. I taught pretty much straight through from 9:30-5. God knows what I said that last class. I don’t recall. And when I arrived home at work I was hallucinating. I’m not kidding. The experience was almost enjoyable, like after smoking just a little pot. I stood in the kitchen and asked myself if the curtains on the east wall windows were new. Have they always been there? They look new. That sort of thing. And then I started to feel like I had to hurl, the next frontier of the insomniac, really, but I collapsed into bed, read ten words in Greene, and fell asleep before I threw up. This morning I woke at four without the alarm (lucky I didn’t need the device, as I had set it to ring at 4PM), checked the Scrabble games (played “Zaire, the monetary unit of the country, apparently, for 45 points), and hit the Y for thirty on the elliptical and an hour of basketball. I taught my assessment class (not bad, trying to mix up the curriculum, been teaching that one too long, starting to get stale) before stopping at Target for another alarm clock (I wanted a clock with hands, yes, I know that sounds weird, and I also wanted a spare alarm clock for when I can’t find mine. It happens.) and a second cake pan so I could do the double-decker thing. Later the boys and I baked a cake (see pics). When M returned I hit the coffee shop for an hour of email and memo writing. I left the coffee shop and drove directly to T’s very exciting basketball game (they lost by one after one of T’s teammates missed a last second baseline jumper). Now I’m here.

This weekend should be ok. Rain is forecast. Man, I can’t remember the last time rain fell. I hope the rain falls hard, battering the skylights and washing away all the dirty, pissy snow. I’ll rotate the Greene with the theology textbook. Did I mention the theology book? I’m taking a theology class starting Monday night. The instructor emailed the class with a reading assignment before the goddamn class even met. That takes balls, sir. I can respect that, but I’m only taking this class for fun. I still think I’ll do the reading, though. I started already. I’m not sure what “ecclesiastical” means, though, in terms of “ecclesiastical history”. I suppose I should look up the concept as the author seems to assume I already understand the term. My bad. Maybe I should read the introduction. I skipped most of my previous grad school reading since…well…forever, but since I’m kind of excited and approaching this course without pressure I might as well jump into the theological deep end without reservation.

Ok, N wants to read. More tomorrow. Have a great Friday night.

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