Saturday, January 17, 2009

N and I are watching “Time Warp Trio”. M and the boys are off at “Mall Cop” with their cousins. N is getting a cough. I hope he’s ok.

The last two days have been pretty good. Yesterday morning, after basketball, working out, etc., I drove down to the office and knocked out the last of my syllabi. Colleagues kept visiting my office, I would say unfortunately, but I hadn’t seen the visitors lately and I was glad to trade gossip. Early afternoon I ditched the office and stopped at Borders (Diary of a Wimpy Kid for the boys), Kohls (hit the 30% jackpot on the scratch-off card) and Costco. What did I do last night? Not much. We watched “The Office” and “30 Rock” before I slipped upstairs and read Revolutionary Road until I fell asleep. Oh, I’ve also eaten like shit lately, the winter/hibernation thing, although nothing too serious.

This morning I woke by three, answered email (not work email, the work email system sucks), hung out with the boys, and hit the Y at 6:30. After thirty minutes on the elliptical I ran three miles in 27.15. No complaints, although I didn’t have the energy to do crunches afterward. I hustled home, got ready, and drove to work for the scholarship interviews. We listened to top-notch high school kids talk. They have so much promise. This is the only Saturday of the year about which I don’t complain working. The experience is always inspiring.

My sister, her husband, and their kids visited not long after lunch. My niece competed in some Irish Dancing contest in Milwaukee so they swung north to see us. The kids spazzed out upstairs while my brother in law and I talked and watched basketball. N wanted to stay home, thank god, rather than attend the film. He’s been watching television ever since. I don’t mind. His brothers are doing the same but in a theater.

More Revolutionary Road tonight followed by sleep, a morning workout, maybe some poetry work, and a long and fulfilling day inside the house. I need a relaxing day. More later. Take it easy.

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