Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I’m tired, already, and I think I’ll sleep on the couch. The new humidifier will provide enough white noise for me to sleep.

Today was a good day. I woke a little later than usual and decided to start with lifting rather than the elliptical. After breakfast and a shower I hung out with M and the boys until everyone left. The day’s schedule bounced around in my head but I decided to hit the library, Kohls, and Costco before settling into work. Since I had time to kill I cleaned most of the messy first floor before leaving. I picked up three books on reserve at the library first, then scoured Kohls’ racks in part because they had a lot on sale and in part because Costco didn’t open until ten. I walked around for a while but decided only on a light long-sleeved pullover. I have four or five now but this one, sort of an off white with brown piping, is probably my favorite. Why is everything at Kohls long-sleeved? Is that an autumn thing? Maybe I should go to another store. After Kohls I stopped at the new Dick’s Sporting Goods. God, that store gleams, gleams I tell you, but in contrast to my earlier hour absolutely nothing was on sale, although some of the running clothes looked very cool. Costco was pretty much empty when I entered, and I didn’t need much, so I cruised through the aisles, reveling in the Costco air conditioning hum, before returning home. After lunch (eggs) I worked on a new syllabus for a solid two hours. I think the revision is coming along and usually I enjoy the work. Still, I’m going to need to involve others soon because, 1) I can’t fucking do all the work myself, and 2) I shouldn’t do all the work myself. The program will be better as a team effort, although I can’t say I trust the entire team just yet. But I trust most of them, which is more than I can say for the team a couple years back. Once I felt burned out with the syllabus, I worked out for a solid hour on the elliptical while watching a season two episode of “House”. This was my first longer continuous session on the new machine. I think the resistance is a little tighter, in a good way, and I was covered in sweat by the time I finished. My knee held up pretty well, just a little pain near the end, but I couldn’t complain much. After 125 crunches and a shower I cleaned the kitchen and headed over to the boys’ school for pickup. I chatted with a few parents in the lobby, including punk rock Brian, before dismissal. After we arrived home I threw a pizza in the oven and let M, who wasn’t feeling well, crash on the couch. The boys ate pizza, apples, and apple juice before T, S and I drove over to the Y for S’s football practice. Dan and I talked on the phone between T and I’s informal football sessions.

The journal sounds more like a blow by blow diary today. Even more than usual.

I’m about 160 pages into “Housekeeping”. I’m liking the book but I sort of want it to be over. Reading this novel wears me out.

Good night…maybe I’ll dress up for work tomorrow.

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