Friday, June 20, 2008

Beautiful night…the wind must have turned a few minutes ago because a strong, cool breeze is blowing from what feels like the north. Dusk has not quite arrived but should be here within thirty minutes or so. Slow dark clouds are passing the front porch vista. The boys are watching some truly awful music camp movie in the other room. Bedtime soon. I’m trying not to eat anything or drink any beer for the remainder of the night. Green tea for me, thank you very much.

This morning I woke, cold on the porch, a little after five. My legs were creaking but I knocked out my requisite twenty elliptical minutes while watching Sportscenter. After a quick shower I ate, stopped at Citgo for the Friday papers, and hit 43 south. Traffic was light so I arrived at work well before eight. I spent the balance fo the morning answering email and cleaning my office. Last year’s paperwork hit the recycle bin. At lunch I felt like ditching the building so I cut through campus and circled the university walking track. The classroom across the hall was empty so I stole a sunned hour with my laptop, working on an article draft. By two or so I was burned out, so I gathered my things and drove north again. I needed groundcover and one or two plants (smaller, blooming earlier, for the side of the house, can’t remember their name) so I hit Stein’s. Afterwards I stopped at Target and picked up Civilization IV for T. He’s been asking for the game for a while and he’s a pretty good kid so I thought I’d drop the thirty bucks in his honor. When I arrived home I tried multiple times to load the game on M’s shitty computer but something’s wrong even the neighborhood computer genius (I called him over) couldn’t fix. Shit, that was frustrating. Anyway, I loaded the game onto the laptop and let T take a shot while I planted the flowers and settled them into the ground with water. Later I took a bath with Emma (the book, not a person) and watched the latest “My Boys” episode with M. I’ve been on the front porch more or less since, breathing deeply, alternating between the newspapers and green tea.

Farmer’s market tomorrow. Good night.

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