Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Super Bowl starts in about thirty minutes so I thought I’d write now. Last night I finished “Little Children.” Great book, good movie as well. This morning T and I hit work and walked through campus. He’s really into attending college where I teach. Ha. We’ll see if he feels the same in a couple years, but at least 1) he’s into the idea of going to college, and 2) he still likes hanging out.

We met M and the other boys at church afterwards. The service may as well been titled “Please Give Us More Money” so I skipped out. M was teaching sex ed in one of the classrooms. She does a good job with the little ones. I can see why she’d want to get back in the classroom next year. When I returned home I worked out, ate lunch (two vegetarian burgers, more than I’ve eaten in one setting in a while), and settled in with some Celine. I’m not sure if I’ll abort the novel or not. Maybe I’ll move to the last Murakami novels. I don’t know.

I want to talk about reading a bit. In the last two or three months I’ve probably read at least an hour or two a day. I swear, I’m just inhaling text. I’m not sure why, but I’m digging it.

Man, I’m tired. I’ve been pushing myself physically and mentally over the last few months. Big meeting with the dean tomorrow. I’m a bit nervous. More later. In forty-eight hours or so I’ll arrive in Orlando.

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