Thursday, November 22, 2007

I’m sitting in the rocker, again, this time listening to Chopin’s Nocturnes while the boys take a bath. They want to watch a Tom and Jerry Christmas thing in a couple minutes, so I thought I’d write while the first floor is quiet.

Despite all our family traditions flying out the window, this Thanksgiving has been decent. This morning we were all up pretty early, before seven, so T and I decided to take Shadow for an early walk. T wanted to check out the downtown Christmas tree. Snow and ice, however, covered the streets and sidewalks, so we only walked a block before turning towards the cemetery and letting Shadow run between the graves while we crunched over the white grass. We hit the coffee shop after dropping Shadow off at home. The coffee shop was doing great business, surprisingly, while Tristan and I sat in the center chairs, near the fireplace, and read. He delved into another one of the Harry Potters while I read Jane Eyre. I’m enjoying the book quite a bit. I did run into a minor tiff, really my fault, with the coffee shop employees when I asked for a receipt because I was confused as to the high cost of tea filters after I gave T money to buy some. However, the little emo girl seemed more confused than anything, and I think we’re ok. I’d hate to piss off the coffee shop girls. They were talking loudly, though, about some party they attended last night. Keep it down, ladies. Some of us are trying to read. T picked up hot chocolate for his mother before we returned home. S was mad he wasn’t asked to hit the coffee shop with his brother and me, but he was playing Wii when we left, so he wasn’t mad for long. I bet he’ll want to go tomorrow, though. The shop opens at 4AM. Maybe we’ll go early.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the paper was two and a half hours late today, the most important newspaper day of the year. Our delivery person sucks. I apologize, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, but it’s true. After ten years of consistent service, you’ve finally hired a moron. My condolences. Fire her ass. Do not mess with my newspaper. I apologize if I sound overtly negative, but it’s the newspaper, and I live for the morning newspaper.

The rest of the day passed pretty well with a couple of minor bumps. N is sick, so we skipped the annual ride to Stein’s for a Christmas tree, although I get the feeling M didn’t want to go anyway. She slept most of the afternoon while I made dinner. We ran out of toilet paper. I love my wife dearly, but she was the worst need-anticipator, if I may coin a title, I have ever met. She has no concept that if we have one roll of toilet paper left, she should probably buy more so we don’t run out tomorrow. She found a store and bought some today or else we would have wiped our ass with paper towels or something even more disgusting. I also couldn’t find some Thanksgiving dishes, which led to a two minute tirade about the house’s cluttered condition. M just doesn’t care. She doesn’t see anything as messy. Oh well.

The actual dinner was good. M did the turkey. I didn’t eat any, of course. I made a barley/vegetable soup and a shepherds’ pie. The former turned out better than the latter. Maura’s leftover mashed potatoes were excellent, though, and I love the cranberries out of the can and the rolls (which I almost burned). M did the dishes while T and I watched a special on the history of video games. Oh, I also worked out on M’s new stairmaster thing for twenty minutes. Man, I work up a sweat on that device. I guess I’m glad it’s here on the days when the roads are too slippery for running.

I’m feeling slightly claustrophobic, the usual holiday thing, but I’ll be ok tomorrow. I half feel like a beer or two, maybe something clean and light, like a Rolling Rock. Maybe I’ll give it a shot. Good night. Happy Thanksgiving.

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