Why hello, dear readers. I apologize for the delay between blog posts. I’ve been sending letters, messages, etc. so I assume most of you are caught up. If not, you missed some pictures on facebook, but other than that, well, I’m doing pretty well. Ten bullet points to catch you up:
• The Chicago trip went very well…I have pictures all over and will probably post more here soon. I was busy the entire stretch, saw elementary school friends, then Colleen, took pics in my old library and neighborhood, etc.
• Work is going well, not particularly busy, some stress-laden due to the university culture as far as the budget and economics are concerned. Some infighting but nothing unexpected. If you get along all the time you’re probably not moving forward.
• I’m not in the mood for Ellroy lately…I’ve switched Down the Rabbit Hole and should finish this afternoon.
• Did I mention I watched Rear Window last weekend? Grace Kelly…yeeha. I’ve snagged a few other Hitchcock movies from the library but I haven’t had a chance to watch yet.
• T has been busy lately…he’s almost a teenager. At least his football season is over…I felt like we hardly saw each other between his nightly practices and weekly games. Then last night he stayed over at a friend’s. Today we’ve hung out some, anyway…this morning he and I switched out the kitchen screens for storms and vacuumed out my car.
• Yesterday N, S and I hit the Lion’s Den. Beautiful day…we walked all the way down to the water…sometimes I forget this beautiful resource is five minutes away from our house.
• I’m in the mood travel. Maybe next summer I’ll take an extended road trip. Maybe the first week of January I’ll fly off somewhere. I’ve got the time.
• The dogs still chew anything within their reach but they’re part of the landscape now. And every now and then they calm down.
• I realized earlier this week that I haven’t had serious insomnia for a long time, at least a year if not longer. That’s a great sign, I think. I attribute some of the sleep improvement to working out so much…I think they’re connected in how they reduce stress.
• I’ve got a little more cleaning to do then I’m done for the night. Have a good one.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I’m sitting on the couch, a little after lunch, while N watches something the latest Star Wars: Clone Wars episodes. He’s got nasty sniffles, too. The dogs are outside, barking away at causes dogs to bark, while M is on the other computer and T and S are playing Wii paintball upstairs. Between birthday parties and football games today could be busy so I think we’re trying to catch a few moments of calm before S heads next door for party #1 and T heads off to pre-game warm-ups. I think N and I are staying home. Maybe we’ll rearrange furniture. I just whispered to N that we have a secret plan for when everyone leaves. He asked if the plan included licorice. Fair question.
This week was busier than expected by not bad. I caught on almost all of my grading and got out to a few more schools for observations. By the end of the week I was pretty tired…Thursdays continue to be way long. At least Friday wasn’t bad, just a class in the morning, some paperwork, and a phone conference.
So what else happened this week? On Wednesday night S, T and I hit the last Port football game of the year. The night was perfect autumn weather, the flood lights bright on the field and the red and orange trees silhouetted past the visiting team’s stands. S and I sat way near the top of the bleachers while T bounced around with his friends. Beautiful night, very small town.
I’ve also read the Ellroy every night but don’t feel as if I’m making much progress. I love his week, every page crackles with energy, but I’d like the next 400 pages to go fairly quickly so I can go on to another book.
I’ve been listening to the Cave/Ellis White Lunar just about every day.
Workouts have been fine…early in the week I felt like I had to grind out the workouts but by Thursday I was fine. Yesterday I played decent hoops, jump shot falling, and this morning I lifted despite a slightly sore back after T leaped on me from behind last night while N and I were messing around before bed.
I’m watching Rear Window off and on this afternoon. I didn’t know Grace Kelly was so beautiful.
I’m looking forward to driving south Friday morning. Later that evening a few friends from elementary school and I are getting together at a neighborhood bar. The gathering is getting a little bigger than I expected, as one of the guy’s little sister has invited all her friends, but no sweat, I don’t feel too worried. If the gathering sucks I can always cut out and drive around my old neighborhood. Either way I’m ok.
Ok, that’s it for now. More later.
This week was busier than expected by not bad. I caught on almost all of my grading and got out to a few more schools for observations. By the end of the week I was pretty tired…Thursdays continue to be way long. At least Friday wasn’t bad, just a class in the morning, some paperwork, and a phone conference.
So what else happened this week? On Wednesday night S, T and I hit the last Port football game of the year. The night was perfect autumn weather, the flood lights bright on the field and the red and orange trees silhouetted past the visiting team’s stands. S and I sat way near the top of the bleachers while T bounced around with his friends. Beautiful night, very small town.
I’ve also read the Ellroy every night but don’t feel as if I’m making much progress. I love his week, every page crackles with energy, but I’d like the next 400 pages to go fairly quickly so I can go on to another book.
I’ve been listening to the Cave/Ellis White Lunar just about every day.
Workouts have been fine…early in the week I felt like I had to grind out the workouts but by Thursday I was fine. Yesterday I played decent hoops, jump shot falling, and this morning I lifted despite a slightly sore back after T leaped on me from behind last night while N and I were messing around before bed.
I’m watching Rear Window off and on this afternoon. I didn’t know Grace Kelly was so beautiful.
I’m looking forward to driving south Friday morning. Later that evening a few friends from elementary school and I are getting together at a neighborhood bar. The gathering is getting a little bigger than I expected, as one of the guy’s little sister has invited all her friends, but no sweat, I don’t feel too worried. If the gathering sucks I can always cut out and drive around my old neighborhood. Either way I’m ok.
Ok, that’s it for now. More later.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Five pics from the walk...
1. and 2. A couple views of St. Mary's on the hill.
3. Should have worn a hat.
4. One of the Sauk Creek paths. You probably can't see it, but someone wrote "duck!" on the log over the path. We try to be helpful here in Wisconsin.
5. The graveyard maybe 100 yards from where I'm presently sitting.

1. and 2. A couple views of St. Mary's on the hill.
3. Should have worn a hat.
4. One of the Sauk Creek paths. You probably can't see it, but someone wrote "duck!" on the log over the path. We try to be helpful here in Wisconsin.
5. The graveyard maybe 100 yards from where I'm presently sitting.
I was just sitting here thinking about the significance of today’s date. I knew October 18th meant something, wasn’t sure what, until I remembered one of my first “real” concerts took place today, I’m pretty sure, my sophomore year of high school. Glenn and I saw The Psychedelic Furs and Ministry at the Aragon on the Mirror Moves tour. Good show.
So this past week was the busiest this academic year. I can’t attribute the hellish schedule to anything but what felt like a million chance meetings scheduled at the same time. Oh, I guess the first wave of student observations played a role, too, but not a huge role. Friday afternoon’s commute home felt hard-won. What did I do Friday night? Oh, T and I went out. We filled up the car with gas at Costco, pulled cash from the ATM, and snagged coffee from Starbucks. Well, I snagged coffee. He smelled it and decided he didn’t want any. Then we drove down to Bayshore and cruised Barnes and Noble. I’ll post a pic later. We had fun, anyway, and T’s always willing to talk in the car. Later I picked S up from a laser tag party and watched baseball until close to midnight.
Saturday morning I woke near seven, lifted, and cleaned most of the morning. Near 10:30 T and I hit the coffee shop and I ordered espresso while he snagged a bluberry Italian soda. Espresso is good. I cleaned a little more while T and M left for the game and S and N played upstairs. S, N and I arrived in Mequon just as the game started. We walked way down to the end of the field, set up our lawn chairs, and watched. Well, N huddled under the covers are played Nintendo DS. I read the latest Diary of A Wimpy Kid. T’s team lost. This game seemed more intense from the coaching/parenting perspective. The coaches screamed often (ours were embarrassing) and the parents seemed sullen. I couldn’t figure out what was up, and I’m still not sure, but I wonder if some class issues factored into the conflict. Mequon is the most affluent community in the county and we were playing at their opulent facility. I don’t know. Maybe I’m reading the situation inaccurately. I don’t care much, but the experience was a little weird.
N and I left in the fourth quarter. We hit the Cedarburg candy store. They were remodeling, with some shelves empty, and N told the women working the counter that they needed more candy. The women were gracious about his suggestion. Later I took a bath with the new Ellroy, drank tea, and collapsed into bed a little after eight.
This morning N, T, and I hit the donut shop early then waited at the crossing as train pulling empty coal cars passed heading north. I spent most of the morning burning CDs and answering email. The skies were bright and the temps near fifty. My legs hurt from a long week of additional treadmill time so I decided to walk today rather than do another full-on gym cardio stretch. I did, oh, maybe 5 miles in eighty minutes, through the woods, east on Webster, through Upper Lake Park, past downtown, and home. Now I’m on the couch wondering if S is going to wear pants today. This week looks decent. Have a lovely Sunday.
So this past week was the busiest this academic year. I can’t attribute the hellish schedule to anything but what felt like a million chance meetings scheduled at the same time. Oh, I guess the first wave of student observations played a role, too, but not a huge role. Friday afternoon’s commute home felt hard-won. What did I do Friday night? Oh, T and I went out. We filled up the car with gas at Costco, pulled cash from the ATM, and snagged coffee from Starbucks. Well, I snagged coffee. He smelled it and decided he didn’t want any. Then we drove down to Bayshore and cruised Barnes and Noble. I’ll post a pic later. We had fun, anyway, and T’s always willing to talk in the car. Later I picked S up from a laser tag party and watched baseball until close to midnight.
Saturday morning I woke near seven, lifted, and cleaned most of the morning. Near 10:30 T and I hit the coffee shop and I ordered espresso while he snagged a bluberry Italian soda. Espresso is good. I cleaned a little more while T and M left for the game and S and N played upstairs. S, N and I arrived in Mequon just as the game started. We walked way down to the end of the field, set up our lawn chairs, and watched. Well, N huddled under the covers are played Nintendo DS. I read the latest Diary of A Wimpy Kid. T’s team lost. This game seemed more intense from the coaching/parenting perspective. The coaches screamed often (ours were embarrassing) and the parents seemed sullen. I couldn’t figure out what was up, and I’m still not sure, but I wonder if some class issues factored into the conflict. Mequon is the most affluent community in the county and we were playing at their opulent facility. I don’t know. Maybe I’m reading the situation inaccurately. I don’t care much, but the experience was a little weird.
N and I left in the fourth quarter. We hit the Cedarburg candy store. They were remodeling, with some shelves empty, and N told the women working the counter that they needed more candy. The women were gracious about his suggestion. Later I took a bath with the new Ellroy, drank tea, and collapsed into bed a little after eight.
This morning N, T, and I hit the donut shop early then waited at the crossing as train pulling empty coal cars passed heading north. I spent most of the morning burning CDs and answering email. The skies were bright and the temps near fifty. My legs hurt from a long week of additional treadmill time so I decided to walk today rather than do another full-on gym cardio stretch. I did, oh, maybe 5 miles in eighty minutes, through the woods, east on Webster, through Upper Lake Park, past downtown, and home. Now I’m on the couch wondering if S is going to wear pants today. This week looks decent. Have a lovely Sunday.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I apologize for the delay in journal entries. It’s not that I haven’t been writing, but I’ve been writing letters, messages, etc. instead of in the journal. I hope that’s ok with you.
The last few weeks have been decent but busy. At the moment S is at the table with me eating Kix cereal and reading the newspaper’s sports section. N is playing Stars Wars on the computer. M is dropping T off at football. Snow is falling. I’m not kidding. Now, we’re strictly at the flurry stage, nothing is sticking, but snow is falling nonetheless.
Shall we go to bullet points? We shall:
• I’m almost finished with Nick Cave’s The Death of Bunny Monroe. If I read tonight I should have the review up by Monday morning. Once I’m done with this book back to Ellroy, but I wanted to read the Cave once it arrived from the library wait list because I saw the list getting longer and I knew I could knock out the title pretty quickly.
• To what have I been listening? Yesterday I put the new Vic Chesnutt on in the car on the way back from work in the rain. Sounds good, sparse orchestration/strings, esp. compared to Ghetto Bells.
• Work is going well. My sophomores drive me a little nuts sometimes, but then I remember what I was like a college sophomore, and I remember my vocation includes helping these kids/adults work through some of their issues, the same way great teachers helped me work through mine, and my energy returns.
• My health is back. I’ve been pushing the “20 minutes elliptical/20 minute stairmaster/2 miles in 16.5 minute” workout since my return. I’ve also added Friday basketball. My jump shot is as bad as ever.
• The boys are doing well in school. N in particular is progressing nicely in first grade. He’s been happier, too.
• T’s football team sucks and the games are boring. He plays defensive end pretty well but he doesn’t have that killer aggressiveness associated with football. That’s ok. I don’t either. S, on the other hand, dominates flag football. He’s scored four touchdowns in four games and reads blocks and formations like a pro.
• Mack and Pete are beautiful terrorists. They chew whatever they get their paws on. But they’re a lot of fun and genuinely try, I think, to do the right thing. Both are sleeping on the couch as I write.
Ok, that’s it for now. More later. Feels good to post.
The last few weeks have been decent but busy. At the moment S is at the table with me eating Kix cereal and reading the newspaper’s sports section. N is playing Stars Wars on the computer. M is dropping T off at football. Snow is falling. I’m not kidding. Now, we’re strictly at the flurry stage, nothing is sticking, but snow is falling nonetheless.
Shall we go to bullet points? We shall:
• I’m almost finished with Nick Cave’s The Death of Bunny Monroe. If I read tonight I should have the review up by Monday morning. Once I’m done with this book back to Ellroy, but I wanted to read the Cave once it arrived from the library wait list because I saw the list getting longer and I knew I could knock out the title pretty quickly.
• To what have I been listening? Yesterday I put the new Vic Chesnutt on in the car on the way back from work in the rain. Sounds good, sparse orchestration/strings, esp. compared to Ghetto Bells.
• Work is going well. My sophomores drive me a little nuts sometimes, but then I remember what I was like a college sophomore, and I remember my vocation includes helping these kids/adults work through some of their issues, the same way great teachers helped me work through mine, and my energy returns.
• My health is back. I’ve been pushing the “20 minutes elliptical/20 minute stairmaster/2 miles in 16.5 minute” workout since my return. I’ve also added Friday basketball. My jump shot is as bad as ever.
• The boys are doing well in school. N in particular is progressing nicely in first grade. He’s been happier, too.
• T’s football team sucks and the games are boring. He plays defensive end pretty well but he doesn’t have that killer aggressiveness associated with football. That’s ok. I don’t either. S, on the other hand, dominates flag football. He’s scored four touchdowns in four games and reads blocks and formations like a pro.
• Mack and Pete are beautiful terrorists. They chew whatever they get their paws on. But they’re a lot of fun and genuinely try, I think, to do the right thing. Both are sleeping on the couch as I write.
Ok, that’s it for now. More later. Feels good to post.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I’m sitting near the open window wondering if the entire neighborhood can hear when I yell at the kids, for example, to stop heaving things down the stairs at each other. Oh well. They probably can.
I’m feeling stronger. This afternoon I lifted weights but decided against cardio. I’ll pick that up in the morning, just a half hour, before going full-on (hopefully) Tuesday.
Last night, I should mention, S and I hit Borders after Quinn’s party. We drove south to Borders and while he checked out comics I dug through the sale tables and found a couple books for his brothers (a Calvin and Hobbes collection we didn’t have for T and a small book on identifying snakes for N). He thought the whole experience was pretty cool…both his brothers were home asleep. After we arrived home I read Ellroy and crashed by ten or so.
This morning N woke me but he forgot about our weekly donut run and let me sleep a little longer. After I woke properly we hustled over to the donut shop, returned, and since the sun wasn’t quite above the horizon yet I drove to the Lion’s Den and took some sunrise pics. The wind contoured the water and I sat and watched the patterns for a few minutes before returning home. After a shower and breakfast I began to clean in earnest. I also made the boys clean the two upstairs rooms. Well, they screwed around for the first hour, which was fine, I guess, as they knew they couldn’t play with neighbors until the rooms were clean. They finished in time for lunch, after which S and I watched football while I graded papers, and M, N, and T went to the Y for a birthday party. S eventually grew bored and went outside to play so I managed to knock out a slew of grading. I should be well-positioned for the morning. I felt pretty good lifting, only a little dizzy, but dizzy enough to know better than to push the cardio. Later I cleaned more, had pasta for dinner, took a quick shower, watched Dollhouse with M, and here I am. Thunder’s rumbling to the northwest.
Oh, I also finally cut the front grass. My neighbors will be happy.
Back to work tomorrow. Could be a long day, two committee meetings scheduled. Welcome back. Have a good start of the week.
I’m feeling stronger. This afternoon I lifted weights but decided against cardio. I’ll pick that up in the morning, just a half hour, before going full-on (hopefully) Tuesday.
Last night, I should mention, S and I hit Borders after Quinn’s party. We drove south to Borders and while he checked out comics I dug through the sale tables and found a couple books for his brothers (a Calvin and Hobbes collection we didn’t have for T and a small book on identifying snakes for N). He thought the whole experience was pretty cool…both his brothers were home asleep. After we arrived home I read Ellroy and crashed by ten or so.
This morning N woke me but he forgot about our weekly donut run and let me sleep a little longer. After I woke properly we hustled over to the donut shop, returned, and since the sun wasn’t quite above the horizon yet I drove to the Lion’s Den and took some sunrise pics. The wind contoured the water and I sat and watched the patterns for a few minutes before returning home. After a shower and breakfast I began to clean in earnest. I also made the boys clean the two upstairs rooms. Well, they screwed around for the first hour, which was fine, I guess, as they knew they couldn’t play with neighbors until the rooms were clean. They finished in time for lunch, after which S and I watched football while I graded papers, and M, N, and T went to the Y for a birthday party. S eventually grew bored and went outside to play so I managed to knock out a slew of grading. I should be well-positioned for the morning. I felt pretty good lifting, only a little dizzy, but dizzy enough to know better than to push the cardio. Later I cleaned more, had pasta for dinner, took a quick shower, watched Dollhouse with M, and here I am. Thunder’s rumbling to the northwest.
Oh, I also finally cut the front grass. My neighbors will be happy.
Back to work tomorrow. Could be a long day, two committee meetings scheduled. Welcome back. Have a good start of the week.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Happy Saturday morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m watching the news on the couch. The dogs are outside. The boys are playing video games. M is off at Zoomba. Well, no, T just entered the room and asked to watch television. I’m ok with that.
So I’ve been sick most of the week and missed work Thursday and Friday. I’m the most guilty sick day person ever. However, after emailing back and forth with my friend Preston, who said his wife had the same symptoms as me and ended up with bronchitis, I scheduled a doctor’s visit. And yet, I had both bronchitis and a sinus infection. You know how I know I’m sick? I don’t want to work out at all. Well, today, because I’m on drugs and have hardly moved for three days, I kind of fel like working out. But I’m taking off until at least tomorrow.
Thursday I cancelled all my classes, meetings, etc. and crashed on the couch. I tried to watch Observe and Report (thank you, Red Box) but the movie sucked. I read some Ellroy and channel-surfed before watching the first episode of Eastwick. You know how sick days go.
What did I do the rest of yesterday? I watched all the Thursday night shows (Parks and Recreation has improved, but The Office is off to a slow start) and went out for coffee just to leave the house. I answered a few emails and slept through the early afternoon before rising to clean the first floor. M and the boys left for the homecoming parade/celebration with about half the neighborhood right after school. I was surprised as I thought T would want to stay home. So suddenly I had the house to myself again, and the house was kind of clean. I sat on the couch and listened to Vic Chesnutt, Sparklehorse, and the Lost in Translation s/t. You know, this whole being sick thing has been important on a couple levels. First off, you realize how expendable you are. The world moves along with you. This is a good thing. I don't mean to sound narcissistic, of course the world moves along without me, but still, you don't quite realize how true this is until you don't leave the house for a couple days. Second, this reminds me to work hard not to define myself by my job. What if I got sick and couldn't work for an extended period of time? They'd replace me. They'd replace anyone. And I have to work hard personally to make sure I'm not so identified with my profession that I wouldn't know what to do with myself otherwise. Know what I mean? There's a balance between loving what I do/dedicating my time to something I consider very meaningful and making sure I have a life separate and independent from elements I can't control. Third, if this is the case, what can I control, and how can I create meaning in my life independent of work?
Anyway, I also watched Jeopardy for the first time in forever. I did pretty well. We didn't go to the homecoming game because the rain arrived just before so T and I watched the Travel Channel (Extreme Conventions). He asked me to watch the whole thing with him because he said I always ditch him halfway through. This is true. So I watched the whole thing. Do you know they have a convention in Vegas for celebrity impersonators? Some of them do not look like who they say they are. And some of the impersonators are pretty worthless. How marketable is a woman dressed like Trinity from the Matrix?
Later M and I watched the first Flashforward episode. Well, I did give up halfway on that one. And the kids eventually fell asleep (they were wired) and I read Ellroy on the couch until crashing on the couch listening to the rain through the window near my pillow.
This morning was calm and quiet. 4:00AM has its advantages, you know. After M gets home I’ll hit Costco. T plays football this afternoon. I must cut the grass tomorrow.
We’re due for harsh wind and sub-60 temps early next week. Can’t wait. I love autumn. Have a great weekend.
So I’ve been sick most of the week and missed work Thursday and Friday. I’m the most guilty sick day person ever. However, after emailing back and forth with my friend Preston, who said his wife had the same symptoms as me and ended up with bronchitis, I scheduled a doctor’s visit. And yet, I had both bronchitis and a sinus infection. You know how I know I’m sick? I don’t want to work out at all. Well, today, because I’m on drugs and have hardly moved for three days, I kind of fel like working out. But I’m taking off until at least tomorrow.
Thursday I cancelled all my classes, meetings, etc. and crashed on the couch. I tried to watch Observe and Report (thank you, Red Box) but the movie sucked. I read some Ellroy and channel-surfed before watching the first episode of Eastwick. You know how sick days go.
What did I do the rest of yesterday? I watched all the Thursday night shows (Parks and Recreation has improved, but The Office is off to a slow start) and went out for coffee just to leave the house. I answered a few emails and slept through the early afternoon before rising to clean the first floor. M and the boys left for the homecoming parade/celebration with about half the neighborhood right after school. I was surprised as I thought T would want to stay home. So suddenly I had the house to myself again, and the house was kind of clean. I sat on the couch and listened to Vic Chesnutt, Sparklehorse, and the Lost in Translation s/t. You know, this whole being sick thing has been important on a couple levels. First off, you realize how expendable you are. The world moves along with you. This is a good thing. I don't mean to sound narcissistic, of course the world moves along without me, but still, you don't quite realize how true this is until you don't leave the house for a couple days. Second, this reminds me to work hard not to define myself by my job. What if I got sick and couldn't work for an extended period of time? They'd replace me. They'd replace anyone. And I have to work hard personally to make sure I'm not so identified with my profession that I wouldn't know what to do with myself otherwise. Know what I mean? There's a balance between loving what I do/dedicating my time to something I consider very meaningful and making sure I have a life separate and independent from elements I can't control. Third, if this is the case, what can I control, and how can I create meaning in my life independent of work?
Anyway, I also watched Jeopardy for the first time in forever. I did pretty well. We didn't go to the homecoming game because the rain arrived just before so T and I watched the Travel Channel (Extreme Conventions). He asked me to watch the whole thing with him because he said I always ditch him halfway through. This is true. So I watched the whole thing. Do you know they have a convention in Vegas for celebrity impersonators? Some of them do not look like who they say they are. And some of the impersonators are pretty worthless. How marketable is a woman dressed like Trinity from the Matrix?
Later M and I watched the first Flashforward episode. Well, I did give up halfway on that one. And the kids eventually fell asleep (they were wired) and I read Ellroy on the couch until crashing on the couch listening to the rain through the window near my pillow.
This morning was calm and quiet. 4:00AM has its advantages, you know. After M gets home I’ll hit Costco. T plays football this afternoon. I must cut the grass tomorrow.
We’re due for harsh wind and sub-60 temps early next week. Can’t wait. I love autumn. Have a great weekend.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
So today’s my 40th birthday. I guess I never thought I’d live this long, seriously, but I’m glad I have. Thanks to everyone for helping me live this long.
So what did I do today? I woke at four and knew immediately I couldn’t work out. My physical failure is my own dumbass fault. I was sick this weekend then picked up the gym again Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. By this morning I was useless. I should have taken another day off and I would probably have been fine. So anyway, since I was up this morning early I hit the office by 5:30 or so. I love the drive to the office early in the morning, and I love the way the office feels early in the morning as well. I cranked a new ambient mix in the dark all the way down 43. Then I played Stars of the Lid and left the lights low while I graded assessment plans and answered email. I didn’t teach my 9AM class very well, just ok, but I wrapped up everything else by late morning. On the way home I figured well, what the hell, I’m getting pizza. So I stopped, got pizza, and went home. The dogs played out back most of the day while I read and half-slept on the couch. Oh, and I ate too much pizza. No sweat. Although I hate eating a ton on days I don’t work out. I just feel blah. But I’ll get past that. I’m still a little out of it, but I’ll be fine.
M and the kids gave me tons of little presents after they got home…very cool. Then I made cake. It’s cooling on the stove now.
I don’t mind turning 40. I’m ok. I figure I’ve got, oh, thirty, forty more years left. I’m proud of who I’ve become. I’ve got a lot on which to work. And maybe these milestone birthdays remind us of how little time we have on this planet. I’ll try to keep that in mind when interacting with others and, well, myself. The wind’s blowing through the window of my house in small town Wisconsin. My dogs are out back. My kids are around here somewhere. Twenty years ago I would have never dreamed of today. Life is good. I want to live another forty.
So what did I do today? I woke at four and knew immediately I couldn’t work out. My physical failure is my own dumbass fault. I was sick this weekend then picked up the gym again Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. By this morning I was useless. I should have taken another day off and I would probably have been fine. So anyway, since I was up this morning early I hit the office by 5:30 or so. I love the drive to the office early in the morning, and I love the way the office feels early in the morning as well. I cranked a new ambient mix in the dark all the way down 43. Then I played Stars of the Lid and left the lights low while I graded assessment plans and answered email. I didn’t teach my 9AM class very well, just ok, but I wrapped up everything else by late morning. On the way home I figured well, what the hell, I’m getting pizza. So I stopped, got pizza, and went home. The dogs played out back most of the day while I read and half-slept on the couch. Oh, and I ate too much pizza. No sweat. Although I hate eating a ton on days I don’t work out. I just feel blah. But I’ll get past that. I’m still a little out of it, but I’ll be fine.
M and the kids gave me tons of little presents after they got home…very cool. Then I made cake. It’s cooling on the stove now.
I don’t mind turning 40. I’m ok. I figure I’ve got, oh, thirty, forty more years left. I’m proud of who I’ve become. I’ve got a lot on which to work. And maybe these milestone birthdays remind us of how little time we have on this planet. I’ll try to keep that in mind when interacting with others and, well, myself. The wind’s blowing through the window of my house in small town Wisconsin. My dogs are out back. My kids are around here somewhere. Twenty years ago I would have never dreamed of today. Life is good. I want to live another forty.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Are we near noon already? How did that happen? I should have known we were near noon, as the street traffic, usually very slow, is now nonexistent. Most everyone is stationed in front of a television, I assume, for the Packers game. I should go shopping. You pretty much have the stores to yourself during Pack games.
So yesterday I pretty much slept all day. I felt like a shit for missing T’s football game, but I tried to make up for the transgression by making Trader Joe’s brownies once I woke in late afternoon. However, I needed an eight by eight pan, but I used a larger one, causing the brownies to run too thin. N declared my brownies “horrible” and said M’s were better. She danced around the kitchen in triumph. I can’t blame her. I would have done the same. Stupid wrong-sized pan. Anyway, the other team kicked T’s team’s ass, but he seemed to still have fun, so no worries. He and M settled in to watch 17 Again while S and N played and/or watched Animal Channel. I cleaned a bit but felt weak enough to skip working out. Later I drove to the office and worked from 7-9 or so, listening to loud techno and knocking out paperwork at a furious rate. Brett emailed me to let me know he was in his office, too, but I declined his offer to go drinking and returned home by 10 after a quick Borders scouting trip. I read some Russo and crashed by eleven.
This morning N and I hit the donut shop just after dawn. We went with Halloween-themed donuts. Halloween is the best donut holiday, in my eyes, anyway. Then while everyone else took Mack and Pete to the dog park I knocked out thirty minutes on the elliptical to a Weeds episode and lifted weights to ESPN news. T and I loosely talked about doing something (Miniature golf? Rocket shopping?) today but I think he wants to see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs instead. We’ll see. I want to get out of the house, though. Beautiful day. More later. Have a lovely Sunday.
So yesterday I pretty much slept all day. I felt like a shit for missing T’s football game, but I tried to make up for the transgression by making Trader Joe’s brownies once I woke in late afternoon. However, I needed an eight by eight pan, but I used a larger one, causing the brownies to run too thin. N declared my brownies “horrible” and said M’s were better. She danced around the kitchen in triumph. I can’t blame her. I would have done the same. Stupid wrong-sized pan. Anyway, the other team kicked T’s team’s ass, but he seemed to still have fun, so no worries. He and M settled in to watch 17 Again while S and N played and/or watched Animal Channel. I cleaned a bit but felt weak enough to skip working out. Later I drove to the office and worked from 7-9 or so, listening to loud techno and knocking out paperwork at a furious rate. Brett emailed me to let me know he was in his office, too, but I declined his offer to go drinking and returned home by 10 after a quick Borders scouting trip. I read some Russo and crashed by eleven.
This morning N and I hit the donut shop just after dawn. We went with Halloween-themed donuts. Halloween is the best donut holiday, in my eyes, anyway. Then while everyone else took Mack and Pete to the dog park I knocked out thirty minutes on the elliptical to a Weeds episode and lifted weights to ESPN news. T and I loosely talked about doing something (Miniature golf? Rocket shopping?) today but I think he wants to see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs instead. We’ll see. I want to get out of the house, though. Beautiful day. More later. Have a lovely Sunday.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Why, happy Saturday morning, dear people. I’m at the dining room table eating grapes and drinking iced tea. N is cutting open Gogurts, T is watching some new show called “The Troop”, S is playing Madden 10 on Wii, and M is off at Zoomba. Oh, the puppies are outside. The temps are still too high, if you ask me, although the collective southern Wisconsin population probably could live with a couple more weeks in the seventies.
So I’m sick, first time in a while. I sucked it up and taught the long Thursday but by the time I arrived home later that evening I knew I wasn’t going to lift. I fell hard on the couch and watched the new Office and most of the Community premier before falling asleep in pretty much the same position. I woke at four and knew I wasn’t hitting the gym at five so I closed my eyes again until six. I canceled my student meeting and department meeting and skipped out on faculty senate. What did I do all day? The morning and afternoon passed quickly with solid television (Vampire Diaries, three Weeds episodes) along with some minor cleaning (including Mack’s vomit behind a cabinet…tasty). Later on I took a bath and read the new Richard Russo. By six I was crashed on the front porch futon. I woke at six this morning when N found me on the front porch.
So maybe I have swine flu. I have no idea. Does it matter? I don’t know. I’m slightly hungry now, so that’s an improvement. I’m tempted to work out today, and still might lift (have to keep the “three days a week” pattern alive) but might skip cardio. I don’t know. Depends on how I feel later. I want to get the boys off of electronics soon, though. Maybe I’ll take them over to the Lion’s Den.
I like the feeling of emerging from sickness. I hope the feeling continues. More tomorrow.
So I’m sick, first time in a while. I sucked it up and taught the long Thursday but by the time I arrived home later that evening I knew I wasn’t going to lift. I fell hard on the couch and watched the new Office and most of the Community premier before falling asleep in pretty much the same position. I woke at four and knew I wasn’t hitting the gym at five so I closed my eyes again until six. I canceled my student meeting and department meeting and skipped out on faculty senate. What did I do all day? The morning and afternoon passed quickly with solid television (Vampire Diaries, three Weeds episodes) along with some minor cleaning (including Mack’s vomit behind a cabinet…tasty). Later on I took a bath and read the new Richard Russo. By six I was crashed on the front porch futon. I woke at six this morning when N found me on the front porch.
So maybe I have swine flu. I have no idea. Does it matter? I don’t know. I’m slightly hungry now, so that’s an improvement. I’m tempted to work out today, and still might lift (have to keep the “three days a week” pattern alive) but might skip cardio. I don’t know. Depends on how I feel later. I want to get the boys off of electronics soon, though. Maybe I’ll take them over to the Lion’s Den.
I like the feeling of emerging from sickness. I hope the feeling continues. More tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I’m on the couch, 6:45PM, slightly cooler tonight. N is slowly completing his homework. S and T are…off somewhere else, reading their new library books, I think. N’s doing a great job with his spelling but freaks out if he gets one wrong. My little perfectionist, I guess.
This week has been ok. I’m still trying to find the work/life balance, and I still feel guilty when I’m not working. But I’ve worked at home most afternoons to good effect.
Bullet points!
• I’m reading the new Richard Russo. This one is way better than the major-league disappointing Bridge of Sighs. I’m also reading some political material on the side.
• The hot weather has finally, thank God, broken. I’m ready for fall.
• This week’s Gossip Girls was way better than I expected.
• I’m on a pretty tight workout schedule but I’m sick of one or two jackasses bugging me to play basketball when I don’t want to play. So today I worked out at home (watching GG) early in the morning and then again in the afternoon. I’ve lifted later at night, for whatever reason, but I’m ok with that.
• My Thursdays are LONG. I’m wearing jeans tomorrow. Sometimes wearing jeans on rough days makes me feel better.
• When was the last time rain fell? Three weeks ago?
• The puppies are doing well but Mack insists on peeing inside every now and then. What’s up with that? They’re wrestling next to me right now.
• A crazyass bat was outside yesterday flopping around the yard. Try to pull two dogs away from a flapping bat sometime. It’s not pretty.
Have a great night…
This week has been ok. I’m still trying to find the work/life balance, and I still feel guilty when I’m not working. But I’ve worked at home most afternoons to good effect.
Bullet points!
• I’m reading the new Richard Russo. This one is way better than the major-league disappointing Bridge of Sighs. I’m also reading some political material on the side.
• The hot weather has finally, thank God, broken. I’m ready for fall.
• This week’s Gossip Girls was way better than I expected.
• I’m on a pretty tight workout schedule but I’m sick of one or two jackasses bugging me to play basketball when I don’t want to play. So today I worked out at home (watching GG) early in the morning and then again in the afternoon. I’ve lifted later at night, for whatever reason, but I’m ok with that.
• My Thursdays are LONG. I’m wearing jeans tomorrow. Sometimes wearing jeans on rough days makes me feel better.
• When was the last time rain fell? Three weeks ago?
• The puppies are doing well but Mack insists on peeing inside every now and then. What’s up with that? They’re wrestling next to me right now.
• A crazyass bat was outside yesterday flopping around the yard. Try to pull two dogs away from a flapping bat sometime. It’s not pretty.
Have a great night…
Sunday, September 13, 2009
77 on a late Sunday afternoon, mid-September, in Wisconsin? And a high of 83 tomorrow? I don’t like it, no sir, I don’t like it one bit. And we haven’t seen rain in weeks. Oh well. Both rain and temps in the sixties are due by the end of the week. Have I mentioned I’m ready for autumn? Oh, yes. Yesterday. Well, I mean it. I’m ready for autumn.
This has been a good, somewhat open, weekend. For some reason I’m slightly bouncing off the walls, too, although I’ve worked out already. Maybe the carbs in the fried rice I had for lunch are kicking into gear. Maybe all the sleep over the last couple nights (over eight hours two stretches in a row) has left me energized. I don’t know.
So last night M and I went out. We snagged decent Mexican food in West Bend then cut over to Cabela’s for binoculars. The night was cool and clear and the drive home East o 60 was a pleasure. I told M one of the greatest gifts of Wisconsin summers is driving home a little after dusk. I remember, even, when I was a kid, my Dad liked to drive around late at night, too. We share that, at least. Anyway, after we arrived home I read for a while, snagged a half tablet of melatonin, and crashed hard. This morning I was up first, near six. The dogs were in full spaz mode so I loaded them into the car and drove to the dog park. Only a few other dogs were present, just after dawn, and the puppies did a great job of sticking near me (except for a three or four minute stretch when I lost Mack, but he came back, no worries). At one point Pete seemed to hurt his shoulder when he bounced off of, uh, a rather large woman and landed on the gravel, but he was ok within a minute or two. I arrived home, all muddy, and worked out to Fox and Friends/ESPN news. After breakfast and a shower I revised a syllabus and answered email at the dining room table. Once football started S and I focused on the games except for my lifting and (badly) ironing a couple of shirts. Later on I burned a couple CDs and moved Assisi pics to a jump drive for a presentation I’m doing for the freshmen in a couple weeks.
I need a shower.
Have a great start of the week…
This has been a good, somewhat open, weekend. For some reason I’m slightly bouncing off the walls, too, although I’ve worked out already. Maybe the carbs in the fried rice I had for lunch are kicking into gear. Maybe all the sleep over the last couple nights (over eight hours two stretches in a row) has left me energized. I don’t know.
So last night M and I went out. We snagged decent Mexican food in West Bend then cut over to Cabela’s for binoculars. The night was cool and clear and the drive home East o 60 was a pleasure. I told M one of the greatest gifts of Wisconsin summers is driving home a little after dusk. I remember, even, when I was a kid, my Dad liked to drive around late at night, too. We share that, at least. Anyway, after we arrived home I read for a while, snagged a half tablet of melatonin, and crashed hard. This morning I was up first, near six. The dogs were in full spaz mode so I loaded them into the car and drove to the dog park. Only a few other dogs were present, just after dawn, and the puppies did a great job of sticking near me (except for a three or four minute stretch when I lost Mack, but he came back, no worries). At one point Pete seemed to hurt his shoulder when he bounced off of, uh, a rather large woman and landed on the gravel, but he was ok within a minute or two. I arrived home, all muddy, and worked out to Fox and Friends/ESPN news. After breakfast and a shower I revised a syllabus and answered email at the dining room table. Once football started S and I focused on the games except for my lifting and (badly) ironing a couple of shirts. Later on I burned a couple CDs and moved Assisi pics to a jump drive for a presentation I’m doing for the freshmen in a couple weeks.
I need a shower.
Have a great start of the week…
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Why hello, dear readers. I’m on the couch, a little before noon, watching “Extreme Megastructures” with T. At the moment they’re focusing on the tunnels under Montreal. Fun.
So where have I been this week? Busy. I guess not in a bad way, and if there were any “bad” elements, I brought them on myself (e.g. staying up too late on GR and no sleeping). But today I feel pretty good. Should I go to bullet points? No, not yet.
Let’s address yesterday and today, first. Yesterday morning I hit the YMCA at the usual time and knocked an hour out the elliptical. The workout was very much needed because I slept a little later on Thursday before working for twelve hours, missing the gym in the process. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t work out on a weekday. Anyway, Friday was better. After the gym I hit work, taught, and cut out early to work at home. The dogs and I hung out, I cleaned the first floor, and I caught up on email/paperwork. After the boys arrived home…what did I do? I can’t even remember. Oh, that’s right, I hit Costco and the gas station. After dinner I watched some of the Jordan coverage while drinking Rolling Rock. Then I took a bath with Coulter (heh) and fell asleep pretty early.
This morning was cool. I woke near 4 but fell asleep until closer to five. The dogs and I hung out while I drank coffee and watched the first half-hour of Vampire Diaries. Then I hit the gym for a more varied workout, elliptical/stairmaster/treadmill. After arriving home M left for Zoomba so I took a quick shower and ragged at the boys to clean their rooms. S and I left for McDonalds (hash browns, S’s addiction), the coffee shop (Italian soda and disappointing peach iced tea), and the Port farmers market, where we picked green and habanero peppers, along with some weird soap that’s supposed to be good for sore muscles. The Port farmers market has improved. It’s still nowhere near as varied as the West Bend market but at least they have food now instead of bracelets and trinkets and whatever. M watched Vampire Diaries while I read the paper. And here I am.
The sun is out and the wind blowing through the screens. I suppose I’ll miss summer in a couple months but I’m ready for the warm weather to go away. I hear rain and cooler temps reign out east. I wish. Next weekend, from what I understand, should bring the sixties. Can’t wait.
Ok, I’m going to water the plants and read a little before T’s first football game of the season. Have a great day.
So where have I been this week? Busy. I guess not in a bad way, and if there were any “bad” elements, I brought them on myself (e.g. staying up too late on GR and no sleeping). But today I feel pretty good. Should I go to bullet points? No, not yet.
Let’s address yesterday and today, first. Yesterday morning I hit the YMCA at the usual time and knocked an hour out the elliptical. The workout was very much needed because I slept a little later on Thursday before working for twelve hours, missing the gym in the process. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t work out on a weekday. Anyway, Friday was better. After the gym I hit work, taught, and cut out early to work at home. The dogs and I hung out, I cleaned the first floor, and I caught up on email/paperwork. After the boys arrived home…what did I do? I can’t even remember. Oh, that’s right, I hit Costco and the gas station. After dinner I watched some of the Jordan coverage while drinking Rolling Rock. Then I took a bath with Coulter (heh) and fell asleep pretty early.
This morning was cool. I woke near 4 but fell asleep until closer to five. The dogs and I hung out while I drank coffee and watched the first half-hour of Vampire Diaries. Then I hit the gym for a more varied workout, elliptical/stairmaster/treadmill. After arriving home M left for Zoomba so I took a quick shower and ragged at the boys to clean their rooms. S and I left for McDonalds (hash browns, S’s addiction), the coffee shop (Italian soda and disappointing peach iced tea), and the Port farmers market, where we picked green and habanero peppers, along with some weird soap that’s supposed to be good for sore muscles. The Port farmers market has improved. It’s still nowhere near as varied as the West Bend market but at least they have food now instead of bracelets and trinkets and whatever. M watched Vampire Diaries while I read the paper. And here I am.
The sun is out and the wind blowing through the screens. I suppose I’ll miss summer in a couple months but I’m ready for the warm weather to go away. I hear rain and cooler temps reign out east. I wish. Next weekend, from what I understand, should bring the sixties. Can’t wait.
Ok, I’m going to water the plants and read a little before T’s first football game of the season. Have a great day.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
I’m on the front porch, a fine late summer day, watching the dogs play over on the futon and sleeping bag. Don’t pee on my sleeping bag again, please, gentlemen.
This Labor Day “boys only” weekend has gone very well. What did we do yesterday? The boys just wanted to hang out, I guess, so we played video games, watched tv, and otherwise let the day pass without much productivity. No, I shouldn’t say that, I cleaned the entire first floor over the course of the morning. I wouldn’t relax with the house a mess. Then I read for a while on the front porch and would have fallen asleep but I knew one of S’s friends was visiting at 12:30 so I stayed awake. His dad and I talked about the comparative merits of fast and slow pitch softball for a while. After he left I read some more and talked with a neighbor across the street about his yard sale’s success. They made 800 bucks, but I don’t care, I’m not having a yard sale. After dinner I felt wired as hell so I knocked out thirty minutes on the elliptical with ESPN News’ college football coverage. The boys played outside with the dogs as the sun set. A quick shower and a Magic School Bus book later N was asleep. My sinuses were out of whack so I rotated the Lost in Translation s/t, Vic Chesnutt’s “Left to His Own Devices”, and Maria Callas while I half-crashed on the couch. I didn’t sleep well at all. Later, up in our room, N wanted to come downstairs early, near six, but I wasn’t ready. He played Wii for a bit until his brothers woke. They were great…they let the dogs out, etc. while I snagged another hour or so of sleep. Slightly older kids have advantages. Still, I felt guilty, and I didn’t want them hanging around the house two days in a row, so we jumped in the car and drove over to Cabela’s. The boys had fun, I think, checking out the animal mountain or whatever it’s called and the aquarium. N kicked ass in the shooting gallery, too, destroying his brothers in round one. Awesome. After we returned home I cleaned the kitchen, made lunch, and here I am. I’ll probably lift weights soon. More later. M returns tomorrow.
This Labor Day “boys only” weekend has gone very well. What did we do yesterday? The boys just wanted to hang out, I guess, so we played video games, watched tv, and otherwise let the day pass without much productivity. No, I shouldn’t say that, I cleaned the entire first floor over the course of the morning. I wouldn’t relax with the house a mess. Then I read for a while on the front porch and would have fallen asleep but I knew one of S’s friends was visiting at 12:30 so I stayed awake. His dad and I talked about the comparative merits of fast and slow pitch softball for a while. After he left I read some more and talked with a neighbor across the street about his yard sale’s success. They made 800 bucks, but I don’t care, I’m not having a yard sale. After dinner I felt wired as hell so I knocked out thirty minutes on the elliptical with ESPN News’ college football coverage. The boys played outside with the dogs as the sun set. A quick shower and a Magic School Bus book later N was asleep. My sinuses were out of whack so I rotated the Lost in Translation s/t, Vic Chesnutt’s “Left to His Own Devices”, and Maria Callas while I half-crashed on the couch. I didn’t sleep well at all. Later, up in our room, N wanted to come downstairs early, near six, but I wasn’t ready. He played Wii for a bit until his brothers woke. They were great…they let the dogs out, etc. while I snagged another hour or so of sleep. Slightly older kids have advantages. Still, I felt guilty, and I didn’t want them hanging around the house two days in a row, so we jumped in the car and drove over to Cabela’s. The boys had fun, I think, checking out the animal mountain or whatever it’s called and the aquarium. N kicked ass in the shooting gallery, too, destroying his brothers in round one. Awesome. After we returned home I cleaned the kitchen, made lunch, and here I am. I’ll probably lift weights soon. More later. M returns tomorrow.
Friday, September 04, 2009
I’m tired, up a little later last night and didn’t sleep well (puppies on my head), but otherwise a good couple of days. Yesterday was busy, as I imagine my Thursdays will be, and the office was hysterical with rumors of furloughs and oppressive tuition remission policies. I wasn’t too worried. My morning class went well, although I feel as if I stumbled over some of the “pre/post/during” basics, and I snuck out for lunch (Jimmy John’s) and Borders (book). Later I taught benchmark one and met Brett at Bayshore. We had a couple beers, traded U gossip, and ate tater tots. Excellent time. I drove home along the water, fog rolling in from the east, the full moon rising over the lake. I was kind of wired so I concurrently cruised GR/Facebook and wrote the first big football pool email of the year. Mack and Pete were sleeping on the couch and the hour neared midnight. I unwisely let them stay out with me, rather than in the crate, and they essentially tried to sleep on my head again on the front porch. I’m paying for the decision with my present exhaustion.
This morning I slept a little later, six or so, and watched tv with N until M and the other boys rose and I slipped upstairs to lift weights. After everyone left for school I worked out to Bourdain, showered, and hit the new Grafton Pick and Save and Costco. Since I’m solo parenting this weekend I wanted to make sure I didn’t have to leave the house for anything I could anticipate beforehand. Later I took in a couple meetings at work.
Right now the boys are watching the somewhat terrifying Disney movie about earth. They saw a wolf kill a caribou and kind of freaked out. Now they’re worried that every animal they see on the screen is going to die. Here’s to no nightmares. Good night.
This morning I slept a little later, six or so, and watched tv with N until M and the other boys rose and I slipped upstairs to lift weights. After everyone left for school I worked out to Bourdain, showered, and hit the new Grafton Pick and Save and Costco. Since I’m solo parenting this weekend I wanted to make sure I didn’t have to leave the house for anything I could anticipate beforehand. Later I took in a couple meetings at work.
Right now the boys are watching the somewhat terrifying Disney movie about earth. They saw a wolf kill a caribou and kind of freaked out. Now they’re worried that every animal they see on the screen is going to die. Here’s to no nightmares. Good night.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
9/2/09 Wednesday 6:26PM
I’m on the front porch, the weather warm, the sun still shining, although I’m already slightly tired and I’m tempted to down some melatonin and collapse upstairs. Today was a decent day, the first calm day in forever. I woke a little after four, didn’t think I could rise, but after some coffee felt fine and hit the gym for cardio/weights. Slight traffic kept me from the office until closer to eight than preferable. I answered email before teaching for an hour. Now, since I don’t get any clear “work at home” days, I’m trying to cut out at 10 on Wednesdays so I can least focus in the late morning and afternoon. I cut down Good Hope on the way home and stopped at Half-Price books. Later I ate lunch and set up my fall clinical pairings while the puppies played outside. They seem happy lolling in the yard all day. Once I felt finished with the paperwork I watched some news and took Mack and Pete to the dog park in Grafton. They’re getting better at staying with me. Once the boys were home T and I hung out and watched television until I drove him to football practice and visited Costco. Now I’ll probably read a while, Murakami, most likely, before bed.
Wednesdays could be worse. I feel as if I’ve caught my breath. Good night.
I’m on the front porch, the weather warm, the sun still shining, although I’m already slightly tired and I’m tempted to down some melatonin and collapse upstairs. Today was a decent day, the first calm day in forever. I woke a little after four, didn’t think I could rise, but after some coffee felt fine and hit the gym for cardio/weights. Slight traffic kept me from the office until closer to eight than preferable. I answered email before teaching for an hour. Now, since I don’t get any clear “work at home” days, I’m trying to cut out at 10 on Wednesdays so I can least focus in the late morning and afternoon. I cut down Good Hope on the way home and stopped at Half-Price books. Later I ate lunch and set up my fall clinical pairings while the puppies played outside. They seem happy lolling in the yard all day. Once I felt finished with the paperwork I watched some news and took Mack and Pete to the dog park in Grafton. They’re getting better at staying with me. Once the boys were home T and I hung out and watched television until I drove him to football practice and visited Costco. Now I’ll probably read a while, Murakami, most likely, before bed.
Wednesdays could be worse. I feel as if I’ve caught my breath. Good night.
Monday, August 31, 2009
When was the last time I completed an entry on a Monday night? I don’t remember. Let’s rectify that situation.
I’m on the couch with T. He starts 5th grade in the morning and has decreed he will no longer be taking a lunch but will instead get whatever they have at school because apparently the cafeteria features “a wide variety of things”. That’s ok with me. He’s in fifth grade. Go be cool.
Today will hopefully be the last of the rush around because we’re paying babysitters day. This morning I woke at four, after weird melatonin-influenced zombie dreams, and worked out from 5-5:30. I hit work by seven, taught at nine, did some taping for the U’s PR at 10, met with a couple people at 11, and hauled ass home at 12. Our comatose babysitter left soon after, thirty-five bucks richer, including five dollars in quarters from the change jar because I didn’t have enough bills. Later we dropped off S at a friend’s and drove around for a while before deciding to go home. I worked out to Andrew Zimmer’s Gulf Coast episode, inhaled some pizza (stress eat! Stress eat! At least I work out, eh?) and showered. Now I’m here. What should I do? Murakami? Probably. Breathe deep. My kids start school tomorrow. They’re good kids. They’ll do well in school.
I’m on the couch with T. He starts 5th grade in the morning and has decreed he will no longer be taking a lunch but will instead get whatever they have at school because apparently the cafeteria features “a wide variety of things”. That’s ok with me. He’s in fifth grade. Go be cool.
Today will hopefully be the last of the rush around because we’re paying babysitters day. This morning I woke at four, after weird melatonin-influenced zombie dreams, and worked out from 5-5:30. I hit work by seven, taught at nine, did some taping for the U’s PR at 10, met with a couple people at 11, and hauled ass home at 12. Our comatose babysitter left soon after, thirty-five bucks richer, including five dollars in quarters from the change jar because I didn’t have enough bills. Later we dropped off S at a friend’s and drove around for a while before deciding to go home. I worked out to Andrew Zimmer’s Gulf Coast episode, inhaled some pizza (stress eat! Stress eat! At least I work out, eh?) and showered. Now I’m here. What should I do? Murakami? Probably. Breathe deep. My kids start school tomorrow. They’re good kids. They’ll do well in school.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I just downed half a tablet of melatonin. How long will I be awake? I took the drug early so I’ll wake with little in my system so I can work out without feeling spacey. And I want to get to sleep early to maintain my rhythm. Yesterday I slept through afternoon sickness and fatigue then stayed awake until 1AM. At least I A) watched the excellent Adventureland and 2) hung out with the dogs while drinking and listening to Vic Chesnutt’s “About to Choke”.
This week sucked. Usually the first week of work is pretty easy, nothing too intense, all the classes are planned and few fires to address. This semester I hit the ground running and didn’t stop until Friday evening. I was ill from Tuesday on and had to rush home a few days (including tomorrow) to avoid paying teenagers to “babysit”, which apparently in this day and age means sitting on the couch and texting while the boys watch tv. Then on Saturday morning T’s completely fucked up football organization botched his scrimmage’s location and led me (and a slew of other parents) on an unexpected tour of the Belgium/Cedar Grove area while searching for the contest. Then, despite wearing four shirts, I froze my ass off in the sub-fifty temps (remind me in a couple months, by the way, that I considered sub-fifty temps very cold) while reading a book on Cooperstown and the Hall of Fame. When T (who played well in the scrimmage, esp. on defense) and I returned home I went into internal mode and, frankly, didn’t want anyone to interact with me for about twelve hours. I read then slept upstairs until N woke me near five. Then I hung out with the boys until they fell asleep. M and I watched the movie, I drank and listened to music, then crashed until seven or so. Today was better. I cleaned the house (always a sign of improving health) before lifting weights. Oh, I also took this week off of lifting after reading that you’re supposed to let your muscles recover with a week off every four months. I haven’t take time away from weights in over a year. But today I was back on schedule and felt pretty good, I guess. Later I read from Kafka on the Shore, watched Suppan beat the Pirates (revenge after we saw the Pirates kick his ass silly at PNC) and played baggo with T and S.
What else happened this week? I finished For Whom The Bell Tolls. Did I mention that already? I should write a review, eh? And I taught a lot. And I worked out some, too, although I alternated fairly healthy food (e.g. wild rice, yay Trader Joe’s) with ice cream. The dogs aren’t barking at the elliptical, at least. Paul and I went out Thursday night, Starbucks and Half-priced books. I miss his presence on campus. The temps will reach the low forties tonight. Could I be more random?
The boys start school on Tuesday. They’re ready. Have a lovely end of August.
This week sucked. Usually the first week of work is pretty easy, nothing too intense, all the classes are planned and few fires to address. This semester I hit the ground running and didn’t stop until Friday evening. I was ill from Tuesday on and had to rush home a few days (including tomorrow) to avoid paying teenagers to “babysit”, which apparently in this day and age means sitting on the couch and texting while the boys watch tv. Then on Saturday morning T’s completely fucked up football organization botched his scrimmage’s location and led me (and a slew of other parents) on an unexpected tour of the Belgium/Cedar Grove area while searching for the contest. Then, despite wearing four shirts, I froze my ass off in the sub-fifty temps (remind me in a couple months, by the way, that I considered sub-fifty temps very cold) while reading a book on Cooperstown and the Hall of Fame. When T (who played well in the scrimmage, esp. on defense) and I returned home I went into internal mode and, frankly, didn’t want anyone to interact with me for about twelve hours. I read then slept upstairs until N woke me near five. Then I hung out with the boys until they fell asleep. M and I watched the movie, I drank and listened to music, then crashed until seven or so. Today was better. I cleaned the house (always a sign of improving health) before lifting weights. Oh, I also took this week off of lifting after reading that you’re supposed to let your muscles recover with a week off every four months. I haven’t take time away from weights in over a year. But today I was back on schedule and felt pretty good, I guess. Later I read from Kafka on the Shore, watched Suppan beat the Pirates (revenge after we saw the Pirates kick his ass silly at PNC) and played baggo with T and S.
What else happened this week? I finished For Whom The Bell Tolls. Did I mention that already? I should write a review, eh? And I taught a lot. And I worked out some, too, although I alternated fairly healthy food (e.g. wild rice, yay Trader Joe’s) with ice cream. The dogs aren’t barking at the elliptical, at least. Paul and I went out Thursday night, Starbucks and Half-priced books. I miss his presence on campus. The temps will reach the low forties tonight. Could I be more random?
The boys start school on Tuesday. They’re ready. Have a lovely end of August.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
First blog entry in a while…my apologies. Tomorrow is the first day of the semester. In turn, today is all about keeping this calm and quiet and mentally preparing for the semester. I suppose much of what I do on days like today is symbolic but I find the rituals valuable nonetheless. I get all my clothes, lunch, etc. ready so I don’t get rushy or pissed off in the morning. I drink a ceremonial beer after dinner. I eschew caffeine after lunch. I am starting my seventeenth year as a licensed teacher, two masters degrees, one doctorate, and the profession still feels new.
This week wasn’t bad. Highlights/bullet points:
• Last night S’s much-delayed birthday party took place at the nearby laser tag facility. The kids were great. N in particular held his own with the big kids. He kicks laser-tag ass. The last two rounds were outside since the sun was well below the horizon and the lasers work in the dark. Watching these light-vested children spaz out in the dark was a blast.
• I hiked just below seven miles of the Zilmer trail in less than two hours Wednesday. See pics below. Great hike. I also had fun driving past pristine, postcard-worthy Wisconsin farms when I cut across backroads into the Kettle Moraine. Sometimes it’s easy to take local beauty for granted.
• This morning T and I cleaned out the car and hit Costco for the latest version of Madden football. T essentially bought it was S. He’s a great brother.
• I’m down to the last ninety pages of so of For Whom The Bell Tolls. The Hemingway experience has been revelatory; I underestimated his work based on a few minor encounters years back. Not sure what I’ll read next.
• The puppies are doing well. T, S and I took them to the seven acre dog park in Grafton earlier in the week and holy bejesus are M and P fast once they get out in the open. I also let the two sleep on the front porch with me Friday night because P hates the crate. They tried to sleep on my head, more or less, but otherwise were fine. M just stole a turkey sandwich from the dining room table. Good boy!
• As I speak I can see one of the neighbors moving. See ya. I guess I’ll miss the dad and sometimes the kids but the mom…
• I ran into another workout wall Friday. While on the modified stairmaster (I don’t know what else to call that machine) I felt chest pains and knocked off with fifteen minutes left after a forty-five minute start. I’ve read too many articles about triathalon (sp?) athletes dying while training this summer to push myself that far. On the plus side M barks like crazy at the home elliptical but at least doesn’t attack my ankles or try to bite the machine.
• Should I stay home the rest of the day? Maybe. Not sure.
• Happy semester start. More later.
This week wasn’t bad. Highlights/bullet points:
• Last night S’s much-delayed birthday party took place at the nearby laser tag facility. The kids were great. N in particular held his own with the big kids. He kicks laser-tag ass. The last two rounds were outside since the sun was well below the horizon and the lasers work in the dark. Watching these light-vested children spaz out in the dark was a blast.
• I hiked just below seven miles of the Zilmer trail in less than two hours Wednesday. See pics below. Great hike. I also had fun driving past pristine, postcard-worthy Wisconsin farms when I cut across backroads into the Kettle Moraine. Sometimes it’s easy to take local beauty for granted.
• This morning T and I cleaned out the car and hit Costco for the latest version of Madden football. T essentially bought it was S. He’s a great brother.
• I’m down to the last ninety pages of so of For Whom The Bell Tolls. The Hemingway experience has been revelatory; I underestimated his work based on a few minor encounters years back. Not sure what I’ll read next.
• The puppies are doing well. T, S and I took them to the seven acre dog park in Grafton earlier in the week and holy bejesus are M and P fast once they get out in the open. I also let the two sleep on the front porch with me Friday night because P hates the crate. They tried to sleep on my head, more or less, but otherwise were fine. M just stole a turkey sandwich from the dining room table. Good boy!
• As I speak I can see one of the neighbors moving. See ya. I guess I’ll miss the dad and sometimes the kids but the mom…
• I ran into another workout wall Friday. While on the modified stairmaster (I don’t know what else to call that machine) I felt chest pains and knocked off with fifteen minutes left after a forty-five minute start. I’ve read too many articles about triathalon (sp?) athletes dying while training this summer to push myself that far. On the plus side M barks like crazy at the home elliptical but at least doesn’t attack my ankles or try to bite the machine.
• Should I stay home the rest of the day? Maybe. Not sure.
• Happy semester start. More later.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Shit. Today is my mom’s birthday. Better send an email.
I’m slightly out of sorts tonight but I don’t mind. I read not long ago that marathon runners, triathletes, etc. take the day before their races easy. I work out six days a week, with Saturdays off, and tomorrow I’ll hit the gym, I hope, with new vigor.
I haven’t liked how I’ve felt this week. Maybe that’s why I’m out of sorts as well. I’ve felt slightly on-edge, scattered, although I’m not sure why. Most days I’ve felt unsure of what I should be doing and as if I’d rather be somewhere else.
Wednesday was good. I should talk about Wednesday. After sleeping a little later than usual and walking four miles with the puppies (they saw their first deer, a mom and two babies near Whitefish Park), I drove down to the Milwaukee Art Museum. For some reason I thought they had taken down “Edge of England” but the sculpture was there, as always, and I took a couple minutes to breathe in the space and covertly snap a few pics. The furniture show in the main galleries, the work of some Rolf (sp?) guy, was excellent as well. He created a candelabra in honor of his dead son. That stuck with me…the guy’s son dies and the best way he can honor him is to design a piece of furniture, what he does best, in his son’s name. I dug that. After the museum (I discovered, by the way, you can park a little north and not pay for the garage) I hit the Milwaukee Public Market and had a great organic sandwich. The MPM has improved over the last couple years. Nice place.
What else did I do this week? Meetings, I guess. Paperwork. Played with the puppies. Drove T back and forth to/from football practice. Watched Mad Men. Read Hemingway, but not as much as I would have liked. Today M and I took N to the Maritime festival since T and S were busy. That was fun. He bought a couple of rubber ducks and reveled in the exclusive attention. At one point he said, “Could I have the honor of choosing your duck?” That made me laugh.
So tomorrow I want to hit the gym and clean the rest of the house. The front porch is in pretty good shape but upstairs is a mess. Maybe I’ll read, too.
Today while sitting on the front porch and looking back toward the kitchen I felt this weird sense of past, present and future all at the same moment. I remember thinking, when we moved up to Wisconsin, that we would have seconds I should cherish with all of my heart and remember for potentially difficult later days. Watching my two puppies run to me while N followed, well, maybe I’ll be dying in a shitty nursing home someday. I hope I can remember today, sitting by the door, watching my son and puppies.
I’m slightly out of sorts tonight but I don’t mind. I read not long ago that marathon runners, triathletes, etc. take the day before their races easy. I work out six days a week, with Saturdays off, and tomorrow I’ll hit the gym, I hope, with new vigor.
I haven’t liked how I’ve felt this week. Maybe that’s why I’m out of sorts as well. I’ve felt slightly on-edge, scattered, although I’m not sure why. Most days I’ve felt unsure of what I should be doing and as if I’d rather be somewhere else.
Wednesday was good. I should talk about Wednesday. After sleeping a little later than usual and walking four miles with the puppies (they saw their first deer, a mom and two babies near Whitefish Park), I drove down to the Milwaukee Art Museum. For some reason I thought they had taken down “Edge of England” but the sculpture was there, as always, and I took a couple minutes to breathe in the space and covertly snap a few pics. The furniture show in the main galleries, the work of some Rolf (sp?) guy, was excellent as well. He created a candelabra in honor of his dead son. That stuck with me…the guy’s son dies and the best way he can honor him is to design a piece of furniture, what he does best, in his son’s name. I dug that. After the museum (I discovered, by the way, you can park a little north and not pay for the garage) I hit the Milwaukee Public Market and had a great organic sandwich. The MPM has improved over the last couple years. Nice place.
What else did I do this week? Meetings, I guess. Paperwork. Played with the puppies. Drove T back and forth to/from football practice. Watched Mad Men. Read Hemingway, but not as much as I would have liked. Today M and I took N to the Maritime festival since T and S were busy. That was fun. He bought a couple of rubber ducks and reveled in the exclusive attention. At one point he said, “Could I have the honor of choosing your duck?” That made me laugh.
So tomorrow I want to hit the gym and clean the rest of the house. The front porch is in pretty good shape but upstairs is a mess. Maybe I’ll read, too.
Today while sitting on the front porch and looking back toward the kitchen I felt this weird sense of past, present and future all at the same moment. I remember thinking, when we moved up to Wisconsin, that we would have seconds I should cherish with all of my heart and remember for potentially difficult later days. Watching my two puppies run to me while N followed, well, maybe I’ll be dying in a shitty nursing home someday. I hope I can remember today, sitting by the door, watching my son and puppies.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Already August 9th. I’ve lost touch with the month’s days. The boys are watching “Home Alone 3” in the next room. I didn’t know “Home Alone 3” existed. Mack Truck is sleeping next to T on the couch. M is out back, reading under the gazebo in the rain while Peterbuilt Truck sleeps on the small couch nearby. Rain’s been falling since, oh, near four. Before that the temps hovered above ninety. Today is the type of day that reminds me why I don’t live further south. Fuck it, give me Wisconsin February over this shit any day.
So yesterday we picked up the puppies. They’re doing well. My God, they’re definitely brothers...they wrestle back and forth across the house and chase N when he laughs and runs away. Their foster mom kicked ass; she pretty much housetrained them, taught them how to sit, etc. We’re trying not to fuck up what she taught them. Let me backtrack. Yesterday morning we drove over to the doggie daycare place where an adoption open house took place. We were early so we waited a few minutes, checking out all the dogs and cats, before Sheila arrived with the new boys. We recognized them from their pictures as she led them across the parking lot. Some of the teenagers, kids who must help out at these events, also recognized the new boys from previous visits and said they had grown quite a bit. T, S, and N walked the dogs around the building a couple times while M completed all the adoption paperwork. We left, the dogs in their new travel carrier, and headed home. Mack and Peterbuilt seemed to adjust quickly. The backyard is sealed off, even underneath the deck, so I feel better about their hanging outside with the boys. We baby-gated the front stairs, too. About half a million neighbors/friends stopped by to see the dogs. We probably didn’t need the stimulation. You know I can’t handle too many people once. Add the high temps and new dog excitement and I was ready to either punch someone or crawl into the closet. Later at night I tried to watch the Brew game/ICarly movie with T but more neighbors visited. Go away go away go away! Finally I gave up and collapsed on the front porch. In the middle of the night I had to pee but didn’t want to wake the puppies so I opened the front door and peed on the bushes. Don’t worry, I kept an eye out for passing cars.
This morning I hit the Y at 8 and did a complete weights circuit, legs included, along with 30 minutes on the elliptical. I guess Ross stopped by at 8:30. We had loosely talked about hitting the coffee shop but, dude, call first. After I showered my mom arrived from Illinois. She wasn’t as annoying as usual. Another ringing endorsement, eh? We sat on the deck and talked and drank iced tea. The high temps left me in a bitchy mood but I more or less controlled my heat-induced wrath during the visit. Yay me. I hate a messy house when the weather is out of control, and the dogs’ arrival left the space a mess, so I cleaned before watching the Brew game’s first couple innings. Later Ross blew me off at the coffee shop, texting me at the last minute to say he wasn’t coming. I didn’t mind. I read Hemingway in the pristine air conditioning and drank iced tea in the good chairs before bailing to see if N wanted an early ride home from the pool. I couldn’t find anyone through the fence so I drove home and played with the new boys until everyone arrived home. T has been psycho hyper since the dogs arrived, and I’ve leaned on him a couple times, so I tried to hang out with him before sending him and his brothers upstairs to play. Later I read Hemingway upstairs. The rain is slowing down. M is about to take Mack and Peterbuilt for a walk. I’m looking forward to office-time. Need to meditate. Good night.
So yesterday we picked up the puppies. They’re doing well. My God, they’re definitely brothers...they wrestle back and forth across the house and chase N when he laughs and runs away. Their foster mom kicked ass; she pretty much housetrained them, taught them how to sit, etc. We’re trying not to fuck up what she taught them. Let me backtrack. Yesterday morning we drove over to the doggie daycare place where an adoption open house took place. We were early so we waited a few minutes, checking out all the dogs and cats, before Sheila arrived with the new boys. We recognized them from their pictures as she led them across the parking lot. Some of the teenagers, kids who must help out at these events, also recognized the new boys from previous visits and said they had grown quite a bit. T, S, and N walked the dogs around the building a couple times while M completed all the adoption paperwork. We left, the dogs in their new travel carrier, and headed home. Mack and Peterbuilt seemed to adjust quickly. The backyard is sealed off, even underneath the deck, so I feel better about their hanging outside with the boys. We baby-gated the front stairs, too. About half a million neighbors/friends stopped by to see the dogs. We probably didn’t need the stimulation. You know I can’t handle too many people once. Add the high temps and new dog excitement and I was ready to either punch someone or crawl into the closet. Later at night I tried to watch the Brew game/ICarly movie with T but more neighbors visited. Go away go away go away! Finally I gave up and collapsed on the front porch. In the middle of the night I had to pee but didn’t want to wake the puppies so I opened the front door and peed on the bushes. Don’t worry, I kept an eye out for passing cars.
This morning I hit the Y at 8 and did a complete weights circuit, legs included, along with 30 minutes on the elliptical. I guess Ross stopped by at 8:30. We had loosely talked about hitting the coffee shop but, dude, call first. After I showered my mom arrived from Illinois. She wasn’t as annoying as usual. Another ringing endorsement, eh? We sat on the deck and talked and drank iced tea. The high temps left me in a bitchy mood but I more or less controlled my heat-induced wrath during the visit. Yay me. I hate a messy house when the weather is out of control, and the dogs’ arrival left the space a mess, so I cleaned before watching the Brew game’s first couple innings. Later Ross blew me off at the coffee shop, texting me at the last minute to say he wasn’t coming. I didn’t mind. I read Hemingway in the pristine air conditioning and drank iced tea in the good chairs before bailing to see if N wanted an early ride home from the pool. I couldn’t find anyone through the fence so I drove home and played with the new boys until everyone arrived home. T has been psycho hyper since the dogs arrived, and I’ve leaned on him a couple times, so I tried to hang out with him before sending him and his brothers upstairs to play. Later I read Hemingway upstairs. The rain is slowing down. M is about to take Mack and Peterbuilt for a walk. I’m looking forward to office-time. Need to meditate. Good night.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
8/5/09 6:46PM Wednesday
A few minutes to write are presenting themselves this fine evening. S and N are in the yard feeding ants (both S and N are in full Halloween costume for some reason, I’m not going to ask), T is at football practice, M at the Y for Zoomba. Yay quiet. This morning I slept a little later than usual, after seven, and felt immeasurably better than I have over the harried, over-busy last few days. I was full-on down last night when I fell asleep. I’m esp. worried that I’ll start the semester without a proper break (Chautauqua DOES NOT COUNT…when you’re on edge in your mother-in-law’s house, you are not relaxing) so I’m building in four “off” days the next two weeks, starting Friday, when M and the boys will be down at Great America. I’ll “work at home”, which hopefully means I’ll watch movies and maybe get the house puppy-ready.
Puppy-ready, you ask? Yes, if all goes well in less than seventy-two hours we will pick up two fox terrier/spaniel puppies (four months or so old) from an open house/shelter gathering a couple towns south. We started exploring adopting the puppies a couple weeks back and found two pairs that looked as if they needed to stay together. The first were way up in Ladysmith, and they seemed popular, according to M’s conversation with the shelter lady, so we went with the other puppies. I don’t want to jinx the process, so I’ll stop talking about it now except to note that the shelter is crazy thorough and even did a home visit to make sure we were sane. The home visit went well, by the way, and the shelter guy’s kids didn’t want to leave after playing with ours.
So how was today? Decent, then. I took a leisurely approach to the morning, arriving at work near nine, and worked on class prep (three weeks early, maybe a little overkill) until eleven, when Preston stopped by the office. We chatted for thirty minutes or so, followed by more class prep, followed by my cutting out and hitting Bayshore. I picked up a book for M and Barnes and Noble then a slew of food at Trader Joe’s. Trader Joe’s is quickly becoming my favorite food store, or at least the perfect compliment to Costco. After dropping off the groceries I drove over to the Y and knocked out thirty minutes on the elliptical and thirty minutes on the modified stairmaster. I was pretty cashed, since I hadn’t eaten much today, so I showered quickly, ate dinner, and settled on the couch to watch the replays of Prince Fielder trying to kick Mota’s ass in the Dodger locker room. Later I took T to football (more on that in a minute), stopped at the library, and otherwise made myself useful.
Bullet Points!
• I was pissed off when the puppy home visit fucked up this week’s routine. Between the assessment class, Chautauqua, and M’s class last week my routine has been fucked. Totally fucked. And after a decent Monday Tuesday was fucked. Today was better. Stop being fucked, routine. Now.
• T started football on Monday. This isn’t little kid flag football, it’s testosterone-laden manly football. The kids practice every night this week from 5PM to 7:30PM, just helmets and shorts now, full-on conditioning. He seems to enjoy the experience. More power to him. I only lasted through fifth grade with football. Maybe he’ll break my record. Why, by the way, are all youth football coaches below 5ft9in tall and over 300 lbs? Is there some sort of rule?
• I’m enjoying the Hemingway quite a bit, but I may read Everything’s Ravaged, Everything’s Burned this week since I only have the book for fourteen days from the library.
• I haven’t seen a movie in forever. Maybe I’ll check out “The Watchmen” on Friday. Maybe I’ll live dangerously and go to the theater. Do I dare? I just checked the listings and didn’t recognize half the movies playing Friday.
• I should shave. But I’m digging the shorter hair. Makes life easy.
Have a lovely Wednesday evening…
A few minutes to write are presenting themselves this fine evening. S and N are in the yard feeding ants (both S and N are in full Halloween costume for some reason, I’m not going to ask), T is at football practice, M at the Y for Zoomba. Yay quiet. This morning I slept a little later than usual, after seven, and felt immeasurably better than I have over the harried, over-busy last few days. I was full-on down last night when I fell asleep. I’m esp. worried that I’ll start the semester without a proper break (Chautauqua DOES NOT COUNT…when you’re on edge in your mother-in-law’s house, you are not relaxing) so I’m building in four “off” days the next two weeks, starting Friday, when M and the boys will be down at Great America. I’ll “work at home”, which hopefully means I’ll watch movies and maybe get the house puppy-ready.
Puppy-ready, you ask? Yes, if all goes well in less than seventy-two hours we will pick up two fox terrier/spaniel puppies (four months or so old) from an open house/shelter gathering a couple towns south. We started exploring adopting the puppies a couple weeks back and found two pairs that looked as if they needed to stay together. The first were way up in Ladysmith, and they seemed popular, according to M’s conversation with the shelter lady, so we went with the other puppies. I don’t want to jinx the process, so I’ll stop talking about it now except to note that the shelter is crazy thorough and even did a home visit to make sure we were sane. The home visit went well, by the way, and the shelter guy’s kids didn’t want to leave after playing with ours.
So how was today? Decent, then. I took a leisurely approach to the morning, arriving at work near nine, and worked on class prep (three weeks early, maybe a little overkill) until eleven, when Preston stopped by the office. We chatted for thirty minutes or so, followed by more class prep, followed by my cutting out and hitting Bayshore. I picked up a book for M and Barnes and Noble then a slew of food at Trader Joe’s. Trader Joe’s is quickly becoming my favorite food store, or at least the perfect compliment to Costco. After dropping off the groceries I drove over to the Y and knocked out thirty minutes on the elliptical and thirty minutes on the modified stairmaster. I was pretty cashed, since I hadn’t eaten much today, so I showered quickly, ate dinner, and settled on the couch to watch the replays of Prince Fielder trying to kick Mota’s ass in the Dodger locker room. Later I took T to football (more on that in a minute), stopped at the library, and otherwise made myself useful.
Bullet Points!
• I was pissed off when the puppy home visit fucked up this week’s routine. Between the assessment class, Chautauqua, and M’s class last week my routine has been fucked. Totally fucked. And after a decent Monday Tuesday was fucked. Today was better. Stop being fucked, routine. Now.
• T started football on Monday. This isn’t little kid flag football, it’s testosterone-laden manly football. The kids practice every night this week from 5PM to 7:30PM, just helmets and shorts now, full-on conditioning. He seems to enjoy the experience. More power to him. I only lasted through fifth grade with football. Maybe he’ll break my record. Why, by the way, are all youth football coaches below 5ft9in tall and over 300 lbs? Is there some sort of rule?
• I’m enjoying the Hemingway quite a bit, but I may read Everything’s Ravaged, Everything’s Burned this week since I only have the book for fourteen days from the library.
• I haven’t seen a movie in forever. Maybe I’ll check out “The Watchmen” on Friday. Maybe I’ll live dangerously and go to the theater. Do I dare? I just checked the listings and didn’t recognize half the movies playing Friday.
• I should shave. But I’m digging the shorter hair. Makes life easy.
Have a lovely Wednesday evening…
Friday, July 31, 2009
Happy last day of July. N is watching some hour-long Diego special on dinosaurs. M is off at her class, the other two at summer school. I can write a little with my feet up on the ottoman.
This week has been busy. I’m exhausted. N abdicated summer school so he and I hung out every day while M and his brothers were out. We’ve had a good time, actually, hitting my office a couple times, Hoffers’ pet store once (with S) and a couple other stores/sites here and there. Through the afternoons I’ve let the boys play video games as T bought a couple new ones for his birthday. Yesterday I made them pick up all the crabapples. That was fun to watch. After a modicum of bickering they eventually finished the job together.
Week highlights!
• I need a couple days off from working out. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t lift three days a week (Memorial Day?) in additional to all the regular cardio, and over the last three days I added hoops and jogging. My knees need a break. I’ll take off the rest of today, tomorrow, and maybe Sunday as well.
• T has come along for basketball this week, mostly because a cute fifth grade girl he knows shows up at the Y with his mom.
• I had a rare stretch away from books, too, early in the week. My routine is out of whack. Mary says demolishing routines can be good, and I agree, but between last week’s Chautauqua visit and this week’s schedule I’ve had enough, thank you very much. I’ve read the last few nights, at least, Ross MacDonald’s excellent “The Moving Target”.
• Yesterday N and I visited the model store. I tried to find a cool model to build, maybe something from ancient Greece, but N was in a hurry and a couple very weird teenagers got in a big argument about Magic:The Gathering at a nearby table, so we got the hell out.
• I want to see “The Watchmen” but haven’t had time to even order the movie off of cable.
• I’ve liked working at night. No one is in the office and I get a ton done. Ghosts are the only drawback. I also set up my calendar on Google. Thanks, Louie!
• Mary and I met at Alterra’s Wednesday evening. We sat outside. I watched pretty joggers pass and we talked about the upcoming year. Beautiful night. I cranked The Hold Steady and drove home with the windows open.
• M wants to go to the Ozaukee County Fair tonight. I don’t want to go! I don’t want to go! Doesn’t she know I want to see The Watchmen?
• I need to catch up on True Blood.
• I don’t know if I can travel any more this summer. We’ll see. I at least want to get down to Chicago to check out the Art Institute’s Modern Wing. Maybe I’ll take the train.
• S and I are have hardly visited the WB farmer’s market. We’ll go tomorrow before M hits Zoomba.
That’s it for now. Have a lovely start of August.
This week has been busy. I’m exhausted. N abdicated summer school so he and I hung out every day while M and his brothers were out. We’ve had a good time, actually, hitting my office a couple times, Hoffers’ pet store once (with S) and a couple other stores/sites here and there. Through the afternoons I’ve let the boys play video games as T bought a couple new ones for his birthday. Yesterday I made them pick up all the crabapples. That was fun to watch. After a modicum of bickering they eventually finished the job together.
Week highlights!
• I need a couple days off from working out. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t lift three days a week (Memorial Day?) in additional to all the regular cardio, and over the last three days I added hoops and jogging. My knees need a break. I’ll take off the rest of today, tomorrow, and maybe Sunday as well.
• T has come along for basketball this week, mostly because a cute fifth grade girl he knows shows up at the Y with his mom.
• I had a rare stretch away from books, too, early in the week. My routine is out of whack. Mary says demolishing routines can be good, and I agree, but between last week’s Chautauqua visit and this week’s schedule I’ve had enough, thank you very much. I’ve read the last few nights, at least, Ross MacDonald’s excellent “The Moving Target”.
• Yesterday N and I visited the model store. I tried to find a cool model to build, maybe something from ancient Greece, but N was in a hurry and a couple very weird teenagers got in a big argument about Magic:The Gathering at a nearby table, so we got the hell out.
• I want to see “The Watchmen” but haven’t had time to even order the movie off of cable.
• I’ve liked working at night. No one is in the office and I get a ton done. Ghosts are the only drawback. I also set up my calendar on Google. Thanks, Louie!
• Mary and I met at Alterra’s Wednesday evening. We sat outside. I watched pretty joggers pass and we talked about the upcoming year. Beautiful night. I cranked The Hold Steady and drove home with the windows open.
• M wants to go to the Ozaukee County Fair tonight. I don’t want to go! I don’t want to go! Doesn’t she know I want to see The Watchmen?
• I need to catch up on True Blood.
• I don’t know if I can travel any more this summer. We’ll see. I at least want to get down to Chicago to check out the Art Institute’s Modern Wing. Maybe I’ll take the train.
• S and I are have hardly visited the WB farmer’s market. We’ll go tomorrow before M hits Zoomba.
That’s it for now. Have a lovely start of August.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Some Chautauqua pics...
1. T on the bridge next to the Athanaeum (sp?) Hotel.
2. M's mom's street. Those are the boys' bikes in front of the house.
3, 4, and 5...all from the Hall of Philosophy, where M and I married. The second pic is from right where we stood during the ceremony. S is in a pic, too. The last one is of the red brick walk leading to the HOP.

1. T on the bridge next to the Athanaeum (sp?) Hotel.
2. M's mom's street. Those are the boys' bikes in front of the house.
3, 4, and 5...all from the Hall of Philosophy, where M and I married. The second pic is from right where we stood during the ceremony. S is in a pic, too. The last one is of the red brick walk leading to the HOP.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Jesus…I haven’t written since Sunday. I thought I hadn’t written since Tuesday. Where did the week go?
Instead of going through the day by day specifics, let me go through the Chautauqua week highlights:
• S and I hit Pittsburgh for the Pirates/Brewers game Wednesday, then we got lost in the terrifying city of Youngstown, Ohio, then we went to the largest candy store in the world (self-billed) in Sharon, PA, then we drove home. Pics to follow, but they’re already on facebook, you lazy bastards. I’ll remember the day as great. PNC Park is beautiful. S and I were early so we walked around, got food, and took pics. Then we settled into our seats, right next to the left field foul pole, and watched the game. The Brew were winning, then losing, then winning, then losing, then tied, then lost in the ninth. S was pissed, of course, but I still had fun. A couple college students behind us were from Cedarburg. The number of Brewers fans surprised me. After the game we got lost on the way to Sharon, leading to the accidental Youngstown visit. S played navigator with the road atlas and got us on the right path. The candy store, Daffin’s, looked like a giant Walgreens but had a ton of candy. They also had this weird room with huge chocolate turtles or whatever in the back. Creepy. We dropped about forty bucks on candy and drove home through the rain. Great day.
• T and I saw Transformers. My God, that movie was awful. I also saw The Hangover and Star Trek. Both were excellent. I saw the former at a horrible run down theater in a the kind of mall zombies take over. The projector went “tick tick tick” and the walls were covered with dust. Gross. I saw the latter at the Chatauqua cinema where a large man with a German accent talked so much through the first ten minutes of the film that I gave up and moved.
• I worked out every day. Monday and Wednesday I ran, not quite for an hour, but A) I hate running, and B) I didn’t have a way to tell for how long I had run. Otherwise I worked out in the usual style at either the center near the north gate, where they have televisions attached to the ellipticals and the weights in an adjacent gym, or the much smaller center near the lake where I watched water flow pass and listened (today, at least) to Mogwai. I ate some candy (see candy store post above) but only succumbed to ice cream once.
• The boys had a great time and were more often than not well-behaved. No, in fact, let me change that, the boys were wonderful. They’re sleeping now.
• I met this guy across the street named Gary. He talks like a 50s disc jockey, all breath and stretched-out syllables. We met when I commented favorably upon his Hold Steady t-shirt. I think he wanted to hang out more with me. But I’m an anti-social bastard. Sorry, Gary. You were cool, though. I’m glad our kids got along.
• M’s mom was fine until today, when she tried to push the idea that T should visit on his own soon when I made clear, earlier in the week, that we said he couldn’t until he was sixteen. No thank you. I went for a walk to cool down. She has a hard time respecting the decisions we make. She already raised her kids. Let us raise ours.
• I read a lot…Handke, mentioned previously, the first 50 pages of The Idiot, some travel essays, and the first part of a Ross MacDonald book from the “Archer in Hollywood” series. I can’t remember the title.
• Rain fell every day, but not all day, and I like the rain. Today I sat on the second floor porch, reading the NY Times, and eventually put down the paper and watched the water pour through the tall trees.
That’s it for now. Everything’s packed. I should get some sleep. Good night.
Instead of going through the day by day specifics, let me go through the Chautauqua week highlights:
• S and I hit Pittsburgh for the Pirates/Brewers game Wednesday, then we got lost in the terrifying city of Youngstown, Ohio, then we went to the largest candy store in the world (self-billed) in Sharon, PA, then we drove home. Pics to follow, but they’re already on facebook, you lazy bastards. I’ll remember the day as great. PNC Park is beautiful. S and I were early so we walked around, got food, and took pics. Then we settled into our seats, right next to the left field foul pole, and watched the game. The Brew were winning, then losing, then winning, then losing, then tied, then lost in the ninth. S was pissed, of course, but I still had fun. A couple college students behind us were from Cedarburg. The number of Brewers fans surprised me. After the game we got lost on the way to Sharon, leading to the accidental Youngstown visit. S played navigator with the road atlas and got us on the right path. The candy store, Daffin’s, looked like a giant Walgreens but had a ton of candy. They also had this weird room with huge chocolate turtles or whatever in the back. Creepy. We dropped about forty bucks on candy and drove home through the rain. Great day.
• T and I saw Transformers. My God, that movie was awful. I also saw The Hangover and Star Trek. Both were excellent. I saw the former at a horrible run down theater in a the kind of mall zombies take over. The projector went “tick tick tick” and the walls were covered with dust. Gross. I saw the latter at the Chatauqua cinema where a large man with a German accent talked so much through the first ten minutes of the film that I gave up and moved.
• I worked out every day. Monday and Wednesday I ran, not quite for an hour, but A) I hate running, and B) I didn’t have a way to tell for how long I had run. Otherwise I worked out in the usual style at either the center near the north gate, where they have televisions attached to the ellipticals and the weights in an adjacent gym, or the much smaller center near the lake where I watched water flow pass and listened (today, at least) to Mogwai. I ate some candy (see candy store post above) but only succumbed to ice cream once.
• The boys had a great time and were more often than not well-behaved. No, in fact, let me change that, the boys were wonderful. They’re sleeping now.
• I met this guy across the street named Gary. He talks like a 50s disc jockey, all breath and stretched-out syllables. We met when I commented favorably upon his Hold Steady t-shirt. I think he wanted to hang out more with me. But I’m an anti-social bastard. Sorry, Gary. You were cool, though. I’m glad our kids got along.
• M’s mom was fine until today, when she tried to push the idea that T should visit on his own soon when I made clear, earlier in the week, that we said he couldn’t until he was sixteen. No thank you. I went for a walk to cool down. She has a hard time respecting the decisions we make. She already raised her kids. Let us raise ours.
• I read a lot…Handke, mentioned previously, the first 50 pages of The Idiot, some travel essays, and the first part of a Ross MacDonald book from the “Archer in Hollywood” series. I can’t remember the title.
• Rain fell every day, but not all day, and I like the rain. Today I sat on the second floor porch, reading the NY Times, and eventually put down the paper and watched the water pour through the tall trees.
That’s it for now. Everything’s packed. I should get some sleep. Good night.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
As promised in the earlier post...day one (first full day, I should say) in Chautauqua:
1 and 2. The small building where I attended the Quaker meeting. I tried to take pics inside but the door was locked.
3. Yes I am.
4. The bookstore (or what N calls "The Underground Library") and the post office.
5. T with the fountain in the palm of his hand.

1 and 2. The small building where I attended the Quaker meeting. I tried to take pics inside but the door was locked.
3. Yes I am.
4. The bookstore (or what N calls "The Underground Library") and the post office.
5. T with the fountain in the palm of his hand.
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